Monday, May 29, 2023

Thirsty plants

Hello, We watered plants at church this morning. They need to be watered almost daily. The ground and the air are quite dry for this early in the summer. Also, it was been much warmer for the last few days which additionally dries things. I washed and hung out some clothes. They dried in less that two hours. That gives me a number of trips up and down the stairs in a short time. I consider it all part of my health body work. Leroy and I went for a bike ride today. It was definitely hot and dry, but we had water bottles. I am so grateful for all the inventions that are on my bike. We rode only about 7-8 miles. My odometer does only whole miles. I miss the one I used to have which even divided the mile by hundredths. Then I knew much more precisely how far I had gone. It said 108 miles when I left and 115 miles when I got home so it was somewhere in that territory. Leroy forgot to check his for the trip so he did not know anything. There were a number of people out on the bike trail, including some families with rather small children. One dad was riding along side his daughter who was on a bike with training wheels. He had a hold of her handle bar. I believe he was keeping her from weaving around and being safe. I was happy to just take care of myself. We are going to plant in the community garden tonight. We will definitely water as we go. I will probably come back again during the week to give them another drink as no rain is forecast. Paula

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