Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Eagle spotting

Hello, Leroy spotted an eagle in a tree. I was driving so I did not see it. He sees them over the river as well. Again, I do not seem to manage. I learned this morning that there is a nest on the other side of the city, however the directions were not solid enough for me to feel confident to find it. This morning, Leroy went to tai chi in person. It was probably in the fall that he was last there in the flesh instead he has been attending on zoom. We do the longer form later in the hour and he has usually gone to work by them so he was quite unsure of what he was doing. Perhaps we can practice some at home. However, it is always good to have someone else tell him how to do things. My directives seem to have a different more irritating character. Amazing that we have stayed together for more than fifty years. Last summer, we had a bird’s nest in the tree in the back yard. It was so much fun to watch the activity. This year I have seen a number of birds going in and out of that hole in the tree. They are even of different varieties. Leroy wonders, “Do you think it is an apartment house?” So far, we have not seen any young squirrels. I am not sure just when they are born. Our squirrel population has rebounded from the low number after the derecho. Usually I see a rabbit around, but not yet. I believe it is called wildlife in the city. Paula

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