Saturday, April 22, 2023

Remembering care of the earth

Hello, The store that we are members of had an earth day special where we could get a reusable bag for bulk products. I was happy to get that. It is a cloth bag so it can easily be washed and used many times. I do reuse my plastic bags, but I like the idea of cloth much better. Later, Leroy and I went to an area where there were many exhibits highlighting what can be done to help the earth. Some were things we can manage and some do not apply, especially those that involve home ownership. We departed with a bit of literature as well as some seeds for flowers and vegetables. We saw displays of native plants, a few were new to us. We brought home a bag of compost to put on our raised bed garden. We also have a nightlight, but I am not sure how that fit in the whole plan, but we could use a new nightlight. It was quite cold and windy with some snow in the air from time to time. I was happy to be a viewer rather than someone standing at the tables. Most, if not, all had on winter coats, hats, and mittens. When we left, the heated seats in the car were a welcome place to sit. Those seats probably do not help the environment. See we are not able to be as committed to the earth. “The spirit is willing and the flesh is weak.” Leroy and I are going to have a hard time getting our steps today as it is much more pleasant to be inside, but we are going to a concert tonight at the college which is close so that will take us out for a half mile walk one way. I intend to go out a bit more this afternoon as I want to get at least 5000 steps. Paula

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