Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Amazing Things

Hello, Leroy is now totally well. He even commented that he can touch his cheek and it does not hurt. We were so impressed when his oral surgeon called to see how he was doing. That was more follow up than we anticipated. After a long hiatus, Leroy rode his bike to work today. He did say that he felt dizzy after he got off the bike. It helped when he ate a little something. Good thing he takes snacks and his lunch so he would have something available. We visited with our financial advisor yesterday. We are doing just fine even though I have retired. Actually, we thought it would be fine. We did get an increase in social security and my pension amount went up now that I have retired. Any lack of income was not very noticeable. We are rich indeed. We went to an orchestra concert at the college that is close to us. We raced in at the last minute because the clock that we had been using had a battery that was slowing down. A slow clock speeds us up. It was a nice concert with the final number being with a rapper! I would not have thought that the two could be compatible, but it was good. Mysteries of life. On Sunday evening we went to a concert at the museum where Leroy works. The person who sang was an opera star from the Czech Republic. It was quite fine. We are gifted with many musical opportunities. Paula

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