Wednesday, April 5, 2023

No Storms at this house

Hello, We have had no serious storms at our house, just small arguments. Really the weather has been serious around us, but we have been missed. We are seeing winter onions that are ready to eat, but I have so many purchased onions that we have ignored those outside. We also see a few flowers around here and appreciate the color. I like those spring time surprises. I remember going in the woods when on the farm and looking for early blooms. It was always fun and uplifting. Now city lawns are so manicured that there is not the element of amazement. Leroy has been going to work early so as to be prepared for the accreditation review. It seems he has enjoyed learning about this process. If he does retire in the near future, I know he will miss many things about the job. I went to Ely for the in person Tai Chi. Because the leader was not yet in person, I was the only person there. That gave me plenty of room to move around and I had a nice visit with people in the library after. That is certainly the part of the job that I have missed the most, visiting with others. I was trimming off dead leaves when I cut my finger with the scissors. How is that for demonstrating skill and ability? At least the plants look better now. It was a very small nick in my finger, easily covered by a band aid. Paula

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