Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Hot and Dry

Hello, We seem to be entering a new season of hot and dry. I have to remind myself to drink a bit more water. I delivered neighborhood newsletters this afternoon. I was quite tired by the time I was done and I had only done a portion of the route. I was too warmly dressed. There are a lot of steps that I must climb and that is a challenge from time to time. Later I will be in better shape? I still figure it will take me two days to get the job done. Leroy went to work today and will again tomorrow. He takes all of his pills and sets the alarm on his phone so he can take them at the proper time. He is taking four antibiotics a day. That seems like a lot to me. Guess that is seriously fighting the infection. His oral surgery appointment is not until 1:00 in the afternoon. He is not to eat or drink six hours before that. I suspect he will find that difficult. He is getting better at mashing his food to the proper consistency for ease of eating. We get notices of deposits pending for our bank account. I am curious as to how long something is pending before it is deposited. Seems like a longer time than expected. The mysteries of the modern banking world. I am still short a bit over 1000 steps today. Since I have had a number of days with the 10,000 steps, I will try to do that before I go to bed. Paula

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