Tuesday, July 16, 2013



It is a good thing in life to know directions, all kinds of directions. For instance my Clivia is now blooming for the second time in seven years. It needs to have a dry spell as well as a cool spell to trigger the urge to reproduce. It can also spend the summer outside. Conditions must have been right out there because it is blooming. It is not to be watered and kept in a cool dry place to help it bloom in the spring. Just how I will manage, for an extended period of time, the temperatures below 55 F. and above 35 F., I am not sure.

Just recently I read the directions on the mouthwash bottle. It recommended that I rinse my mouth with water after brushing my teeth as something in the toothpaste interfered with the working of the mouthwash. Also I should keep the mouthwash in my mouth for 30 seconds. I use mouthwash because I have excessive tartar (or whatever is the word for that stuff) build up. My former method of using this rinse was to, immediately on completing flossing, which I do after brushing, suck up, do a two second swish, spit, and go on with the rest of my life. Does that mean that I have been wasting mouthwash money for years? Probably. What a lot of expensive expectoration!

Directions are also good to know when driving. Cedar Rapids has a number of one way streets. Since I have been living here I have seen a few people driving the wrong direction on one way streets. Luckily I have not been in a car coming directly towards them. Not following directions can certainly make life exciting.

On the computer, however, not following directions, means that you can discover new ways of doing things that might be better than what had been done before. There the real trick is to remember how you got to that point in the first place. 


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