Monday, March 1, 2010

One week No new snow


One week with no new snow, does that mean we have turned a corner? We still can not see the ground in most places, but it is melting some each day.

So far I have not watched one single Olympic event. What does that mean? There is just something about sports that I am not really interested in watching. I would perhaps rather be participating.

I sang the psalm on Sunday. Leroy tells me I sounded a bit scared at first, but was much better by the end. I am going to sing some of the liturgy Wednesday evening. Friday I will play/accompany the Church Women United meeting at our church. Sunday I will play for church. That means a bit of practice and lots of participation. It is easier when I do this on a regular basis. Somehow I have to remember things from a long time ago and that is not easy.

The yoga group is not meeting this week so that opens up some time, but I took home a CD and am doing it at home. I tried to copy the copied CD. First, to justify copying, I said, “I do not even know who has done it.”

However when I copied it on the computer the name and artist’s name popped up. Leroy was definitely strong about not copying, but rather buying this item. I agreed, but I was tempted for the moment. It is only $20 so that makes it easier to be honest. Legal is a virtue especially when no one is looking.

In two weeks, Leroy and I are hosting a social group at church. We thought we would provide some information about Slovak’s Easter celebration. Then to provide some food, we will make Med cookies and strudel. If any of you who have been to Slovakia have good, authentic, easy recipes for these items I would welcome them. Those are not necessarily Easter foods, but I figure that without too much effort, gnashing of teeth, and pulling hair I can make them ahead of time. In addition any customs that you can think of or anything to say about Easter would be welcome. Any emailed Slovak Easter pictures that you would let us show would be welcomed also.


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