Saturday, April 27, 2024

Dusting Thoughts

Hello, Today I dusted by just going around things instead of moving them. Usually all knickknacks are removed, any cloth under them shaken outside, surface dusted and put all things back. It is a bigger job. My mother did not like to have many things sitting around. I am becoming my mother in that regard. Leroy has always wanted to dust by leaving things and dusting around them. I used to yell at him and do the job myself. This will not become my only dusting method, but to encourage myself to do it more frequently, it might become necessary from time to time to just dust around stuff. Leroy does much of the vacuuming. It seems to me he does it to quickly to get up any deep dirt. The surface looks good when he is finished. He also does not move anything around. Today I moved out my chair to dust the bottom slats. There were my reading glasses on the floor between the chair and the lamp table. It has been lost long enough that I have bought two new pair. Now I have a pair in every room in the house. I have a spare pair in my purse and a pair at church with my choir music. There is also my bifocal prescription pair that I prefer to wear at choir. Back in the day when I worked, I also preferred it so I could see in more directions. Paula

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