Sunday, February 13, 2022

No Super Bowl for us

Hello, Leroy and I are not watching “the game” or the half time show or the ads. We sometimes do not fit in the culture. Someone asked Leroy about the game this morning and Leroy asked, “Who is playing?” I have known there was such a game as I heard about it in college. I could not imagine people being so interested in it. What do I know? We did walk to church this morning. Ahead of walking time, Leroy cleared the side walk in front of the house. Because of hidden ice under this coating, we decided that it was best to walk in the street, except on the busiest street. When we came home, we went out to clear the area in back of the garage. It added some steps, but we were still short by 2 or 3 thousand. Leroy has now reached his goal, but I need 700 more. Neither of us wanted to walk outside again because of the wind and low temperature, it was quite uncomfortable. I finished watching a movie, even though I am not sure that I really liked it. I kept expecting it to make more sense or get better. Leroy is now watching a program or movie that I do not want to see. We have a hard time on occasion finding something we both want to watch. Tonight, we will watch, on PBS, around the world in 80 days. We have both enjoyed it. I had thought I might have read the book, but so far nothing is anything I remember. Yesterday I finished reading, A serial killer’s daughter. I found it quite interesting. That would certainly be a tough experience to learn that your father was a serial killer. Paula

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