Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Children’s Health

Hello, Brian tells us he is making progress with healing of the ACL repair. It is not yet back to “normal”. Miriam posted this and I thought I would share the good news. “I’m hoping this will be my final post in regards to the seizures and brain surgery that I had done in November. As of today, I have been off of all seizure medication for over 2 weeks and I’m thrilled to report that I am seizure free now and have been since the end of October. With this success, I’m now allowed to drive again and feel as though I have a new lease on life! My family and I are incredibly grateful for all of the love and support we have felt throughout this wild journey of life that I hope to never repeat again!” Somehow these adult people are still children from time to time in my mind. To a degree our children’s health affects our health if there is stress involved. Often, we have known for years there is not much we can change about it. We just hope and pray for the best outcomes. Even telling them what to do, as if we know best, is not an option. Paula

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