Monday, August 31, 2020

What to do?

for August 15-17




It was difficult when we were without power because Leroy had been using an icepack on his head for relief several times a day. That did not work with just ice available. We were glad to get power back in a few days for that reason alone.


Sarah texted Leroy at some point on Saturday to let us know that one of her high school friends could provide someone with a hot meal. We had power so we did not need, but she suggested we check with a neighbor. That is a great idea, but I found it hard to figure out the logistics since I had no idea about the details. Finally, on Sunday, I did ask one neighbor. He assured me that his younger relatives who lived with him were taking good care of him. However, he did tell me that he needed power for a CPAP machine and the electric box had been torn off his house so they needed an electrician. The power company was doing work on the poles, but not at the houses. I did not have a clue how to proceed with this so I just held onto it and asked a few people. No one had a good answer. I wondered why his relatives did not take care of this, but I learned from someone else that they were possible drug addicts. Life is complicated.


I did learn that there were two places in the neighborhood where people could get meals. Our neighborhood grocery store had notices where resources were available.


Early on Sunday a couple came to visit us and we sat in the outdoors six feet apart. It was great to connect. By the end of the day Leroy was not feeling as well as he had been. I felt guilty because I had suggested he cut back on the pain pills.


Brian called to tell us that he and Sarah were coming back on Monday and leaving on Wednesday so he could help with the internet hook up. I told him I still did not think it was going to happen because people who had the same service did not have it yet. He replied, “They assured me it was going to happen.”


I had them buy some food and bring it with them. I had heard some stores were still very low on supplies.


I was happy to see these children even though I was sure it was going to an internetless trip. All our children had gone together to get us a larger new TV as an anniversary present. Brian was also bringing that along with setting up the sound bar. I believe that Leroy and I have moved into a new era of life where our children feel they should take care of us. I am happy to step aside for some things.


Leroy had a Dr. appointment in the afternoon, Sarah went with us.  I thought another pair of ears was a good thing. She was not especially impressed with this man. He was quite concerned that Leroy’s weight had dropped from February, which he blamed on dehydration. In all of this heat that could a problem. When home, Sarah measured the amount of water two pitchers would hold and we all agreed that Leroy would drink more water.


Sarah asked her high school friend about how to find an electrician. She knew a place on FB where she could put up a plea for help. Someone responded to that.



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