Thursday, August 27, 2020

Home in the Dark

Record for August 12 # 6




Sarah had called to let me know they were going to bed, but they would leave a flashlight on the back porch on the bench. They had also cleared a path through the pile of branches so there would be nothing to trip over and the sidewalk was clear. Lexi even went over the walk imagining that she could not see very well. It was quite fine, but it was dark.


It was very strange to drive home in the ten pm. darkness. I even used the bright lights on the car when there were no other cars. No street lights, no stop lights, no stop signs, no lights in houses, and piles of branches intruding in the road created a different driving experience. It was a bit eerie and disconcerting. I felt like I was in a strange place that I did not know, wondering which is my street.


At the house there was a little moon light, I could have used the light on my phone, but I was holding on to Leroy, my purse, and a bag. There was some contrast between the color of the sidewalk and the grass so once we reached the sidewalk we did not have any trouble.


It was so wonderful to get into bed, even without a lot of light to help that process. The night air coming in the windows was a bit cooler so that was good too.


Our electric toothbrushes had enough power stored that we could still use them. Oh we did eat a little before bed because Leroy had had nothing since the morning. I had had two granola bars, but they did not want him to eat anything before a test.


What a wonderful thing to be safe and have a possible diagnosis for Leroy. Now it seemed hopeful after despair.



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