Saturday, August 1, 2020

Getting Rid of Excess


Today I tackled random notes or papers on the computer desk. Clutter bothers my soul. I got rid of about half of them. I feel better now. One note that was on there was about a gathering of family in two weeks. I had wanted our grandchildren to have an in person visit with our siblings, especially Leroy’s sister as only two of the grandchildren have seen her. In fact when I said something about Leroy’s sister one granddaughter was surprised and did not know he had a sister. I feel that is not a good state of affairs. Maybe next year will be a better year or who knows what we can work out.

I also needed to make some phone calls about appointments and I got that done. I just don’t like to use the phone for that. In spite of not liking to use the phone, I am grateful for cell phones that still work.

Three pieces of paper are Leroy’s and I just gathered them in a heap and that reduces the space they occupy. I will have to make a couple of calls during the week because no live person answers the phone on the weekends.

I suppose I could become modern and safe all notes on my phone. For some reason that does not appeal to me. I like the idea of paper. I also could save it on the computer, but it is too easy for me to lose things in the depths of the machine.

Each summer library employees get two t-shirts. My drawer has 13 library shirts. A strong need is growing to eliminate some of these shirts. It is almost my summer uniform at work, but none of them wear out. My other summer tops languish in the drawer, wondering why they have been so abandoned. Devising a plan to get rid of the oldest ones, but how?


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