Tuesday, August 4, 2020

People in the Library


Yesterday was the first day that I worked when patrons could come in the library and browse. They come one person or one family at a time. All wear masks and use hand sanitizer at the door. Two people signed up for time to use the computers.

One woman came in and browsed. She was so excited. She commented on how much she has missed picking up a book, feeling it in her hands, and reading the end flaps. I sympathize with those feelings. Many of our older patrons have expressed that concern. This woman was not that old, but still must like tactile ways.

Many people do look at the photos that I post on three different social media sites. I did not get all this set up; I just push buttons to get it done now that I have been trained. I am good at following orders, but not so good thinking of and setting these things in motion. New items scroll past on the home page, but these snaps of four or six similar, or all in one genre, books get more hold requests. It is telling that people do check out a lot more when they can come to library because the new shelf is much fuller than it used to be. There are some patrons who only look at the new shelves when they come in. I usually do not read the newest books because there are a lot of readers for those. I try to remember what it was that I wanted to read when it goes off that new shelf. Course, that also means that I will have time to read it and I do not have three other books at home waiting patiently for the turn of the pages. I do not spend a lot of time looking at the books when I catalog them, because there are too many in line waiting for some attention. But as I am processing I do notice some things about them.

I wish I could hug some people as they come in. It is so good to see them. Happy, Happy, Happy!


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