Friday, August 7, 2020




Leroy spent a good part of the day attending the synod convention at home. Because of his Covid test he would not have been able to attend if it had not been online. Also because of Covid it was online. Strange how all that works. He did not feel well much of the time, but interest in something else helped to pass the time a little better. There was an election for the bishop and he was able, along with everyone else, to participate in the experience. We now have a woman bishop.


He also called and got an appointment to see an acupuncture practitioner. That is also two weeks away. Guess many types of health practitioners are very busy. On that day he also has a breath test as well as an MRI. Hoping something brings answers and relief.


I did pick up a cream for me that was done at a pharmacy where they compound it. That local job lowered the cost from $100 to $50. There are certainly some problems in the system that we have set up in this country. They do or at least did not take insurance for this, but I would have still have had to pay the $100 with insurance, so I am way ahead.


I am not working much these days, one day this week and one day next week, because our children are visiting. Leroy tells me he is looking forward to seeing them. Hope that helps him to feel better. Does love and care cure or at least sustain?


Our downstairs friends have helped by sharing some things that help Leroy to feel that he is in a recliner. We do not have such a style of chair, but he feels it could help as he hurts much more when he sits up. Lying down and sleeping seem to be the best pain free position for him. They also had an “antique” metal book holder that worked out as a laptop holder as well. More generous care!



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