Tuesday, October 16, 2018

That Leroy


Leroy found out this morning that his appointment on Thursday is to see the Dr. rather than get a colonoscopy. Both of us are sure that we heard one of the people talking about this appointment in the hospital say that it was for a colonoscopy. Leroy moved some of his responsibilities to accommodate the preparation process. It is nice not to have to do that but he is not going to change things back. I will work the full day Thursday and not come home to take Leroy to his phantom procedure.

It is probably good to have a visit with this Dr. and get his take on the colon inflammation that was spotted in the scan.

Leroy looks and acts so good that it is hard to believe that this happened just a few days ago. He has not even gotten black eyes. Many people wonder if his nose is really broken because it looks fairly normal. They told us it was broken and it is still quite sore and tender, other than that we do not know the inside story.

My violets, that I had thought were never going to bloom again, are blooming. Two are in full deep purple color and the third is sending up a bud stem. I feel blessed to see this beauty. When I have more time I will post some pictures.


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