Monday, October 15, 2018

Cool Morning


It was cool this morning, but Leroy still rode his bike the three miles to work. First he checked to make sure that his helmet did not put pressure on his glasses which might hurt his nose. All was good so he went on with his riding plan.

Because it was so cool out, I finally unscrewed our hoses and pulled them over the porch railing to force the water out. It was still dripping when finished so I left it hanging there. Maybe Leroy can help curl it up and put it away.

I also took three tomato cages out of the front garden and pulled the unproductive tomato plants. I am not sure why, but the front gardens were vigorous producers of beautiful marigolds and not many veggies this year. We were both quite disappointed. The brussel sprouts are still out there. They do not mind the cold, but growth might not happen much. It seems that pea size is their goal. We are sad. I bought some and they were wonderful size with good flavor.

Leroy is even planning to go the community garden tonight, if he feels peppy enough. He was talking about gathering the green tomatoes that are left on the vine.


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