Friday, December 1, 2017

Christmas Shopping for Leroy


Leroy and I must have few wants because neither of us can be of much help for the other in terms of what to get for gifts. Leroy told me last week, when he was wearing a sweater, “I would like to replace this sweater because it is looking shabby and it is too big for me. I want about this same color as I do not have much that is this color.”

I was out shopping today. I was in one big box store, but they did not have piles of sweaters. In fact, the only ones I saw were on display hangers over shirts. No one was around to ask so I just considered that I would look elsewhere. In the second big box store, there were no sweaters to be seen. “Do you have men’s sweaters?” I asked a person stocking a shelf.

She took a while to think and then she said, “No or we only have the rather ugly Christmas sweaters.”

“Have men’s sweaters gone out of style?” I then wondered out loud.

“Perhaps,” she replied, “we did not have any last year either.”

I will look at some other stores because I know have seen them. While in the first store I serendipitously found a water kettle on sale. It had many of the features that I like. Leroy also likes the water kettle and I thought I could buy it for him. I bought it, but later asked Leroy, “Are you still planning to get the water kettle repaired?”

“Yes, but I just have not done it,” he sighed.

He then called the repair shop in our neighborhood. They told him that they did not do that and they did not know anyone who would.

After that Leroy started looking for water kettles on the internet. He found one he really liked. At that point I thought I had better confess that I had already bought one before he purchased another. I revealed my thought to give it to him for Christmas. He laughed while owning up to the fact that he had planned to get it for me. I extracted that box from its hiding place, gave it to Leroy, and with a big grin said, “Merry Christmas.” We agreed that the one in hand had an additional feature that we liked, it not only had variable temperatures, but it looks like we can set it exactly to our desires. What more could one want? Now should we wrap it and put it under the tree addressed to both of us?


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