Monday, December 11, 2017

Not a Drying Day


I was excited when Leroy said that temps were in the 30’s and it was to be in the 40’s. Sounded like a great day to hang out clothes. I quickly got our sheets in the washer along with some other whites. They were on the line before the sun was fully up.

The sun put in an appearance for a short time before it hid behind the clouds. With almost no wind and dampness in the air, the clothes made little progress toward a sense of dryness. Because I am working this afternoon/evening, I realized I had to change plans. I brought in those partially dry things and hung them up on the racks. The note to Leroy hopefully will make sense so we have some dry bedding to get into when we are ready for it.

I am not sure why, but often my note or instruction to Leroy makes perfect sense to me, but he finds it totally baffling. How that can be I do not understand as I am surely numbered among the most logical, clear thinking people on earth. Does that mean that Leroy’s mind is a total muddle? Certainly that must be the case rather then that I am not precise.

For some reason I kept thinking we were returning from UT on the 26th while Leroy thought it was on the 27th. We had the info in our email and did not print it off. This morning we checked, Leroy was correct and I was a day early. I suppose it helped him to be more accurate because he was the one who booked the tickets. Or could my mind be a muddle? I was happy to read that the airline has gathered pilots for all but a few hundred flights during this season. Should I be hoping our flight is one with a pilot or not?


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