Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Touching my face


I have learned from this experience how much I have my hands on my face. If seated, I think by resting my face in my hands. When listening to someone my hand wonders up to my cheek. When mystified I scratch my head and then aim somewhere in the direction of my chin. Just how difficult is it for me to keep my hands off my face? Quite hard, but I am getting better. I will try to keep that habit going when everything is cleared up. What are my chances of maintaining this resolution?

Today, I tried to call the Dr. to find out just what my face should look like when I stop putting on the cream. Each time I called the line was busy so I quit.

Before I could get back to it again a young friend called. He came over for a visit. We had conversation, tea, and cinnamon rolls made from the fastnacht dough. It is amazing for me to have something that I could serve a guest that is sweet. These were stored in the freezer. I did not have icing or butter to put on them, but he declared them to be good.

Today I remembered not to go to work as I am working on Saturday. I am inordinately proud of myself for getting that fact to my brain and responding appropriately. Hopefully I will do as well on Saturday so I will show up at work. I did go to tai chi in the morning and found that I gained quite a lot of focus. There is wonderful calming freedom focusing on just something as basic as breathing and moving muscles. Do you think that focus could spill over into the rest of my life? Sometimes I feel quite scattered and flighty.

The other day when I was ready to do meditation after a yoga practice, I picked up the cloth to put over my eyes, held it above, and something black fell down on my forehead before it rolled off. What was that? A spider, a bug, a heavy piece of lint? Deep calm relaxation is quite elusive when confronted with a one gram of unknown substance that might be creeping over my body.


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