Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fun Outside


Friday afternoon, Leroy and I went to Ely and pruned grape vines for our friend. I carefully protected my face from the sun by borrowing Leroy’s great hat. That is on my list of items to purchase. The pharmacist warned me to be careful when using this medicine and afterward I will have new skin so it will also need a lot of attention when outside. Anyway back to the vines. Those things had not been pruned for some time. Some of them had gone up a tree and on to the neighboring tree. I pulled as hard as I could on those getting some of them out of the tree, but many stayed up there. They were stronger than I. If there had been a pond to swing over I could have trusted those vines to hold me up. Leroy worked around the plants that were not close to the trees. He got a lot more done than I did, but I had the harder job. It was satisfying and a little scary to look at the stripped down results. We have consumed almost all of the juice we made from these plants, but have quite a lot of jelly as we do not eat it so fast. When Miriam’s family was here for Christmas they declared it to be quite good. It certainly does have a robust grape flavor.

Today when Leroy came home from his nursing home service, he and I went outside to work in our front raised bed garden. Leroy used a potato fork to turn the earth. He was happy as a clam with how easy it was to work. I pulled out the grass that also thought it was a good place to start a new life. Along the house some sedum is starting as are the chives and winter onions. I had hoped the parsley would survive, but it appeared to be dead.
While we were out there, a neighbor we had not met stopped and talked for quite a while. It is great to be out and visible in the neighborhood as it gives people a chance to connect if they would like to do so.

One of the amaryllis blooms is open. 


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