Wednesday, November 19, 2014



Even though I have done a bit of traveling, I am always relieved and excited to get where I intend to be and in one piece. Our bus ride to the airport went just fine. Both of the drivers were quite friendly with greetings and smiles. I wish more people rode the bus so more times would be available. At no time were we the only people on the bus and I consider that a good thing.

I think we might have managed if we had taken the later bus, but I guess we did not have to worry about getting on the plane even though it was oversold and they asked two people to give up their seats for a voucher of $500. As slow thinking Leroy and I were considering this, two women literally ran up to the desk to grab those possibilities. All of us watching and waiting laughed.

Leroy and I speak a different language when talking about planes leaving. I always think we are talking about when they take off and he is talking about the boarding time, consequently there is a little disconnect. That tends to make us be there earlier than I feel is necessary, but closer to what Leroy likes.

Even though the Atlanta airport is large we got from one end to the other with the help of the train. It was not difficult to have some time to relax. When we landed in Atlanta, our plane did some usual flopping from side to side. Not enough to worry about, but enough for a surprise. I was happy that we leveled out before the wheels touched down.

In DC we navigated the Metro like pros. When Leroy and I came pulling our bags down the street towards Sarah’s house, we could see two little girls standing on the step waving. It was great to get such greetings. This morning Lexi told me that she was so happy I was there. It warmed my heart and colored my day bright.

Now here we are getting used to another hour earlier time zone. “Body you can do this! It is just an hour and just for one week"


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