Monday, November 10, 2014

Together Still


Leroy and I are still together and the air is better after “kiss and make up”. Luckily what finally happened, as it frequently does, one of us started to laugh about the absurdity of the situation. Amazing how that clears the air and creates a bond. Is group laughter more important than kissing? Or maybe it is because it leads to kissing?

We are almost ready for our presentation on Thursday. I have checked with my boss and it is fine with her if I take some time off in the afternoon and then work the evening for her. I suspected she would be quite happy to give up the evening work. None us seems truly excited to work those dusky hours. Actually it is deep darkness now when I drive home.

At least this week I am working on Saturday so I do not work three nights, but only two. When we work on Saturday we do not work another scheduled time.

I hear that deeper cold is soon coming so I am concerned about the plants in the garden. On Saturday I pulled up one of the brussel sprouts and Leroy and I have eaten two meals from these oddly shaped growths. There will be one more meal before they are gone. I am happy about that. It must not have been a good year for the brussel sprouts. The ones in our front lawn garden are so small that it is difficult to harvest. They are about as big as a large pea. The ones in the community garden have been odd shaped, as they mostly have opened rather than forming a nice head. They are also a little stronger tasting. There are still two plants out there, but I will wait until tomorrow to harvest them. Maybe someone else will take them.


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