Monday, October 16, 2023

The Village

Hello, I found some pictures on Leroy’s phone and sent them to me so I could share with you.
The boat goes up the lake daily so the village is able to get supplies. People can also come and go any day of the week. Or some people do hike in so they can appear at any time. Some of the buildings are on a level spot, but many of them are on the mountain slope. It can be noticeably steep to go from building to building. Paths were covered with bricks or rocks. I am happy to say that I did not slip on them even in the rain, but I was cautious. No running up and down for me.
Our lodge had a second floor with 14 rooms on our level. There was a room with a bathtub. But showers/toilets were at the end of the hall. In our room, we had a sink along with a double bed two bunk beds, a desk, one chair, and closets with room for hanging and drawers. It certainly gave us plenty of space. The first three days had rain for which people in the village were grateful as their electricity comes from hydroelectric power. It had been dry in the summer and the creek was getting low. Paula

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