Saturday, October 7, 2023

Home Again

Hello, My favorite browser was down when we came home so I could not see emails or other internet information. We had no internet at the village and no phone service. It was quite fine to be cut off from the outside world for a solid week, but I surely expected to get back to the old routine as soon as I was home. We came home late Tuesday evening and I was busy Wednesday. Thursday, I looked but had no success so ignored it as I has things to do. Friday I finally started to miss the connection to the world when the browser would not come up. Today Leroy finally had the bright idea of simply reloading the browser. Success! Guess that guy is worth keeping for some time yet. I will give a fuller report of our travels in the days to come. There was some adventure, peace, thought provoking talks, hikes, shared meals, and just some time for breathing. I have been picking green beans in the community garden. I do not want to can them, but am not sure we can eat them all. Although some of them have grown past the point of good use. I did post that there were plenty, but I could not tell that many had been picked by anyone else. We have watered at church each day, but Leroy worked three of the days we have been home. Yesterday, he rode his bike in spite of a little rain and much wind. I thought the wind might blow him over. He tells me it was a struggle to stay upright, at times. Paula

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