Thursday, September 12, 2019

Good Travel Day

We had a rather uneventful trip from Iowa to MN. There was rain for a time, but it was not strong so it was fine to be in a leak proof car that hugs the road even when the pavement is wet. We had thought our new car was just what Leroy's legs/hips needed because on our seven hour drive he felt little discomfort. However, yesterday, he did not fare so well. I had to drive most of the way because he found it too painful. Personally I think it is tight muscles from tension as he drives. Also we had so much stuff in the back seat that he was unable to put it as far back as he wanted so his position was not as good as it should have been.
A few boxes were taken to a site called Global Health Ministries, plus there was one large box delivered to Brian. The back  was quite full. The trip to the Global place was quite easy until I missed the turn onto the little street. Luckily the phone gives the althernate route to make the correction because I could not just easily turn around and go back to it.
The schedule of kids activities is almost daunting. Their lives are quite booked. To think, when I grew up we did chores, but not much else. My sister and I did have many years of piano lessons, but that was the extent of it. Much free time was a given.
Brian is very good at leaving a full list of places, times and directions for arrival. It should all go smoothly. Leroy dropped Brian and Jen at the airport and he is on the way home. I stayed home with Logan as he was riding the bus to school. It is raining quite steadily. Logan would have walked  had it been nice. I would have walked the dog had it been nice. I did take a short walk last night and that was refreshing.
We will visit with friends this afternoon. Other than reading, we have no set agenda for our time when the children are in school. Leroy wants to get some reading done. He has already finished a book. He says, "It was a fast read."
Could it be that he reads fast?

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