Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Being with Family


Sometimes amazing things occur. Our grandchildren all have the same days off for fall break even though some are longer time off than others. They started school, depending on where they live, on August 1, late to the middle of August, or after Labor Day. I would never have guessed that this time off could be on the same days. I am excited to be seeing them. We will spend some long weekend time in Wisconsin at the Dells. Leroy and I are also going to visit the International Crane Foundation which is close. I have not heard from the children as to whether anyone will join us.

Leroy and I want to stop at a cheese factory on the way home to buy some schmeir brick which is a smelly cheese a little less potent than limburger. I just learned they would be open for the hours that we need. Also the cost of this cheese is 12.89/lb. I remember buying about a five pound block back in the old days, but I am not sure I want to get that much at that price. However we will get at least two pounds maybe three. I am salivating just thinking about it. This is a cheese my father particularly liked, although he liked limburger as well. So it is one of those childhood memory things. My children do not like this cheese; in fact I remember them telling me not to open the refrigerator if they had friends in the house because they could smell it. That was considered a highly embarrassing thing to have happen.

I know my brother would like some. I will have to see if we can make that connection on the way home. It is a bit out of our way, but all things are possible if there is a will to do it.


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