Monday, August 14, 2017

Strange Malady


Leroy is a master of mysterious illnesses and recovery. Yesterday, after lunch, he declared, “I have a headache.”

I gave my favorite response, “Have you been drinking enough? Drink some water.”

He dutifully drank some water, but it did not seem to help so he took a nap. After the nap he claimed to feel quite sluggish and despondent. However he gamely set off with me to deliver neighborhood newsletters. It was not an entire block covered before he said, “My head still hurts and I feel so tired, I cannot walk so far,” as he turned around and went home.

He spent the afternoon on the couch sprawled out while he read a book. That great sleeper Leroy also took another nap. At supper time he was not sure that he should eat since his stomach was quite unsettled.

At 8:00 in the evening he seemed to feel better as he even sat up. He exhibited some energy and mobility as he moved around the house with a spring in his step. Tired seemed to be Leroy friend, but the headache was gone along with the upset stomach. In fact he was wondering what he could eat.

This morning he was mostly in a normal state, however he drove the car as rain was predicted and he was concerned about how he would feel after a bike ride.

Is this a short lived disease or what?


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