Sunday, August 27, 2017

More Family Adventures


We had an impromptu birthday party for the Utah girls since Leroy and I are never/rarely there for their birthdays. It was fun. The plan was to go to the dairy queen up the street for a treat, but those girls had already had ice cream and their mother said, “Later.”

Little did we know that later kept being pushed farther away, finally becoming now on the last day before they left. Some people think we would/could be at the DQ all the time, but it rarely happens.

Figuring out sleeping arrangements took a bit of discussion, but finally it was decided that the girls would all sleep in the office on the floor and Logan, who is the shortest person, would have the entire futon for stretching out. Soon there was just the sound of deep breathing and restless shifting in the night as the sleeping bags on the floor rustled.

We people from central time zone got up before those in mountain time zone, but finally we were all up. Miriam’s family headed off to spend time with one of her friends while we hung out at home with Brian’s children. In the extra hours waiting for Miriam’s family, Leroy had the two kids left behind throw the sticks off the porch roof. Sophia was a bit afraid to go out there, but Logan was more ready although he proceeded with much caution. Leroy was happy to get those branches off as he saw them every time he looked out that window. The children left behind also spent some quality time riding that wonderful two seater tricycle (Thanks downstairs friends!) up and down the alley and around the block.

In the afternoon we started to prepare for our evening camping trip. Both of us older quiet life experience had forgotten what it is like to get ready for something with extra people having input and moving things around. We got it together with only a few things left behind. One person did not have a pad under their sleeping bag. That would not be Leroy and I as we had a firm grip on our pads for the oldest backs in the group. Age does have some advantages. No sharing here. One person did not have a pillow, but I did give up my knee pillow which was a great sacrifice for me, you must know.


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