Friday, July 16, 2010

Getting to Lancaster

Lancaster, PA


Sarah told us it would take 30 minutes getting from their house to the metro stop closest to the bus station. The bus was leaving at 8:15 am. Instructions from the bus were to be there an hour ahead of time to pick up the tickets. Leroy considered going down the day before so we would not have to go so early in the morning, besides he would then find the location of the station for sure.

With more checking he found that we are not guaranteed a seat, but it is better to come early to make sure of a seat.

Then we thought maybe we should leave their house at 6:00 giving time to just miss a train and wait for the next, go out the wrong side of the metro station and have to walk farther, get lost in the four blocks between the metro station and the bus station. Sarah thought that sounded ridiculously early so we dropped the plan back to 6:15 although I think it was really 6:30 by the time we left.

Even though everything went as planned it was 7:15 by the time we walked into the bus station, DC has long blocks or the Bradway walk is slowing.

The line for will call tickets was unmanned. There was a machine for will call tickets, but it did not respond so we waited in line for the lone agent. She thought we were plenty early. There was a line of suitcases in front of the door we were to go out, but not very many.

Now we could use forty-five minutes to walk, read, or talk. I do believe that homeless/destitute people use this place. In the bathroom there was a woman who was drying a bedspread under the hand dryer. Seemed like an arduous task to me. I prayed for her.


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