Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Capitol Tour

Lancaster, PA


You might think I have lost it listing a capitol tour and yet we are in Lancaster. We have traveled here to visit friends, Leroy’s internship supervisor and his wife. That goes back a long ways. We met them 35 or 36 years ago and have not seen them for four year, but it has been 20 years since we have been here.

We went on a capitol tour last Thursday. It was great as we had a personal guide who is on the capitol staff. Sometimes it does make a difference who you know. With Staff clearance I did not have to throw away my metal water bottle as she was allowed to carry it for me. We were cleared to see the excellent informational movie at the first available moment instead of the afternoon as I heard others speak of. We went up the back elevator and ended up in the speaker’s office area where we could view her press conference room. I was impressed that the room was small, but apparently they can squeeze a number of press people in there. After that it was on to the room where joint meetings of congress are held. It was the main floor for us instead of up in the balcony. She showed us where she sits. The head of the pages met with us for a while and in that conversation she suggested that we might like to see the chapel which is not open to the public. Because she has worked there for 20 years she knows a number of people who waved her on through after introductions. Instead of the hour tour we were there for three hours with some of that time spent visiting on the veranda overlooking the city. We have been blessed.

Lunch in the cafeteria was a little out of control. Everything looked good so I went overboard on salad paid for by the ounce. Learned again weights are deceiving.

Tomorrow I will talk about the pins of Madeleine Albright.


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