Thursday, July 1, 2010

Moved butnot settled


We almost feel settled until I have to look for some object in six places, one of which is a suitcase, because I can’t remember were it is. Or it might happen that we want to fill some form out on the Internet and the worst line is address? What address? Where? Homeless is not an easy place to be. It may sound carefree, but that is an illusion.

Peace and quiet comes much closer when you subtract three from eight. It is especially valid if two of the three are under 3.5 years and slightly ill, which translates as fussy. This afternoon, Leroy and I went to bed when Sophia did. Leroy for sure beat her to sleep and I think (know but don’t really want to confess such) I fell asleep first too.

This morning a call told Miriam that their plane was delayed forty minutes. After consulting with the airline a later flight was booked out of Dallas. Then a second airline call indicated the flight would be an additional 20 plus minutes late. At least the first extra hour was spent here rather than in a plane or the airport. Miriam and girls left for Salt Lake with a stroller, two car seats, one large, carefully weighed check-in bag, an adult back pack, and a child back pack. She was going to use a redcap at the airport, but something was wrong with the system. Leroy reported that he dropped her off and a guy there said the check-in desk was just inside the door and he helped her slip all of this stuff up to the desk.

On the local front the park has wonders to behold. An egret stuck its neck up above the bushes and flew a little so we could get a good look at it. Then there were the two rushing baby ducks walking on water as they were startled by our presence.


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