Friday, November 13, 2009

First Day home


I am not sure how it happens, but first day home is always busy. We saw a beautiful sunrise and then things went downhill.

Leroy had started the oatmeal water, but had gone in the living room to look at the paper. I walked past the water boiling on the stove and commented, “It is boiling away.”

Leroy became upset as he felt I was criticizing him. Then we had a rather long involved discussion of what all this meant. I am not sure that I felt so critical, but maybe I am not honest with myself. After all I like to look good to the rest of the world. At the end of the discussion Leroy said, “I feel that this has just fouled up the air.”

How different we are because I see it as keeping it from festering if we don’t talk about it. Amazing, it is that we can have a totally opposite take on the same situation. Course, we both think we are right and that is where the real trouble lies.

Besides this start to the day I washed and hung out two loads of clothes that the wind whipped and fluffed nicely. Then it was on to making a batch of bread some of which turned into pizza crust.

Before the laundry there was yoga and t’ai chi. I feel better for getting that stretching and movement done.

There was a trip to the library and the grocery store to fortify me as well.

A fern that was dripping leaves got moved to a bedroom with no carpeting, but I just read that they can be put in the basement for the winter without harming them. I might do that as these constantly falling leaves could send me to the funny farm.


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