Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Evening fire


It was a beautiful cool evening in the park. It was so peaceful to look across the mirror reflection of trees in the water. The back yard yielded up a few fallen sticks, the basement had a couple unwanted small boards, and a fireplace had two abandoned sticks. Along with the help of egg cartons and a few newspapers a cheery fire was soon burning nicely. The popcorn was almost perfect and the tea was refreshing even if quite hot from the thermos.

There were four deer grazing at the park entrance and two herons winging across the water as we watched the sun go down. There is a four mile trail around the lake and we have yet to walk it. I am not sure what we are waiting for, perhaps a personal invitation?

Two weeks ago I bought a Parcheesi game for 25 cents at a garage sale. I have gotten much enjoyment from it, but I am not sure about Leroy. I beat him most of the time. We used to play this game a lot when I was growing up and I have many strategies. Leroy is floundering around the board. I think he has won only twice. Tonight he came close but was unable to shake out the number he needed to get home ahead of me even though he sat at the end for some time. We do have the rules and are following them meticulously. So no creating my own rules as we used to do when I was at home.

Leroy decided to fix up the laundry area. He put on some new drywall where there was water damage, covered the nails, and painted. It looks so much better even though this is just one small part of a wall. He is also going to give it a second coat. He will ask the youth group to see if they will come and paint the cement blocks. That would be wonderful. If they do not want to do it, we will just proceed and see what we can get done. I do not spend hours down there, but I would like a more pleasant area to be in. Paint is great for lifting spirits. Besides it is fun to paint in an area where you do not have to be so careful not to drip.


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