Friday, September 11, 2009

Great Night


Kary suggested that we have a mini retreat for the women in our church. Even against a certain amount of negative response she kept at it. We were organized as to the spot in the park and the food required. I said, “I will ask a woman I know if she would be the guest speaker on the subject of friendship.” That was all arranged without a hitch.

Thursday morning I was a little nervous when I realized that some of these women would not be there. You know that pre-party jitters of “what if no one comes”?
My cell phone had a voice mail message. It was our speaker saying she had a family medical emergency and could not come. From the hospital she could email her general outline, bible verses, and closing prayer. “Yes do that. I will give the program.” I confidently said.

I did not spend too much time preparing, I think I like winging it and not planning. I did final preparation for my mixers thinking that 16 was a lot of people, but having the possibility for more that could be created on the spot.

It was a beautiful night in the park. Two cars were already there when I arrived. Soon more cars came. The grand total was 28. All were astonished and amazed at the size of the group. There is such energy from people. Always people notice those missing as a lack of energy. Over all it went well. Many said, “You should do this again next year.”

People who think I am quiet got to see another side of me. I like performing. Who knew I should have been in the spotlight when I was looking at career possibilities.


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