Friday, January 12, 2024

Weighted Trees

Hello, Our trees are weighted with snow. Some trees are breaking because it is too much to hold. Maybe the wind that is to come soon will help to move the snow round. We do not like the idea of driving anywhere in that, but the trees might like it. Our tree looked like this when we went to bed.
This morning when I looked out our bedroom window there was a noticeable difference in the amount of snow on the branches. The wind must have been quiet. However, I learned that our downstairs friend shook the trees so branches would not break.
We are so fortunate that we do not have to go anywhere today. I should have gotten yogurt yesterday when I was out getting some more groceries. We can live without yogurt, but just barely. There is some melt from the roof so we are getting great icicles. Some of that is dripping on our internet wire. Luckily, I could open a window and break off those icicles. I am concerned about the weight on that cable. I do not know when a service person could restore the connection. Leroy and I were to have a home health visit today. Luckily that was canceled. Even driving across town could be a challenge. It is not a necessary visit. We shoveled snow earlier and will have to do it again. If we wait too long it gets much heavier than we would like to move. How many pounds do you think we have moved just this week? Surely it counts for weight lifting. After shoveling again this afternoon, I know if someone gave us a snow blower, we would not turn it down. I like to shovel snow so this is a new thought for me. Paula

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