Saturday, January 13, 2024

Confined At Home

Hello, With the weather we have been mostly confined at home. We go out and shovel. It gets us out of the house and into the wind. In our last outing we did not stay out long, partly because there was not a lot of snow to shovel and partly because we were getting cold. We have played games two times, read a lot, and watched TV or DVD’s. I feel rather hemmed in, even though I am grateful that this is a warm comfortable place to be. There are some who are not so fortunate. Leroy is getting a lot of steps now while watching TV. He does not get very many while shoveling, or at least compared to my numbers. I believe the wrist motion of shoveling adds to mine while his is just counting it if his feet move. I am currently reading three books. I like all of them, but they appeal to different parts of my brain. One is the Man called Ove. We watched the movie while in Utah and I decided to reread it because it had been a long time. One book is for the church book club. We are home only one day ahead of the discussion so I must be done with it before we leave. It is The Mothers by Brit Bennett. It does have a lot to say to me as serious fiction. The last book is The Shed that fed a million children. It is inspiring and uplifting that so many people help others. Leroy only reads one book at a time and they are all fiction, right now most seem to be mysteries. Paula

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