Monday, January 15, 2024

In the Car

Hello, We went out twice today. In the morning Leroy needed to turn in his time card. While at the smuseum, I took some dead leaves off the plants, trimmed others, and watered them. They do like the library window as all seem to be thriving. Some books were returned to the library. We came home, had lunch and went out once more. It is a land of huge snow piles on the edge of roads and parking lots. Sometimes the mounds obscure the view of on-coming traffic. The streets have places of packed snow or ice which is at times lumpy. Luckily, Leroy’s car has all wheel drive and we did not have any problems, except Leroy’s hands got quite cold on the steering wheel. Our seats were heated and warm. The sun was shinning brightly much of the day, but the temperature did not get above zero degrees F. I wore my mask to protect my nose from the sun and the cold. It is great to have this nice supply of masks. Paula

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