Wednesday, June 29, 2022

No, bat, old Fogie

Hello, I have not seen the bat for the last two days. I feel a bit sad about that, but I wonder if it is still out there, just out of sight. We suspected something was residing there because of the quantity of poop on the window sill. I miss looking at it up close which allowed me to see so many details. Leroy got his hearing aids on Sunday. Neither of us was quite prepared for the length of the appointment, but happy that he could get in early. Leroy tells me, “Now I am officially an “old fogie”. Another observation he made, “I hear so much noise when I chew, can you hear me chewing?” I had to tell him yes. He is now eating more slowly in an effort to be a bit quieter. I think he often breathes so loudly. So, I asked, “Did you hear yourself breath?” “Yes, I did at first. Now I do not so much,” he replied. Except when he is asleep, I have not noticed the loud breathing so I am hopeful for a cure with hearing it himself. He went to a neighborhood meeting last night. He tells me that he could hear all of it. Apparently, it has been some time since that happened. Hurrah for technology that improves the quality of life. Paula

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