Saturday, June 25, 2022

Ants, Bat, and Cabbages

Hello, What do ants, a bat and cabbages have in common? Nothing except figuring more prominently in our lives right now. That bat returns each day for a good sleep safely on our screen which is sheltered by an awning. I try not to make much noise in that area because I have seen it startle with loud noises. Guess I figure this animal is my friend, especially when I think about it catching bugs. We have ants come visit us in the kitchen and I do not feel so favorable towards them. They have found the area when I store honey. Some of it must have dripped on the outside of a bottle. I did create my homemade ant killer. These ants are large and black. Leroy comments, “Do you see any uncles?” Anyway, this killer attracts many ants because of the sweet content, but they carry the boric acid back to the nest and most of them die. Yesterday, I accidently killed one on the counter, before I could dispose of it another ant grabbed it, hauled it to the edge of the counter, took it down to the floor, and dragged or carried it away. I am astonished by the strength to accomplish this task. My downstairs friend was going to a plant store so I had her get some cabbages. She generously gave me 12 of them. I did not read the directions concerning distance that these plants need. They are crammed into our front garden, helter-skelter. Hopefully many of them survive and the cabbage heads are not too large. We could cut some off early and that would probably be fine. We planted some other things yesterday. Today I noticed something had dug a small hole in there and I startled a bird as I came up with new plants. I showed Leroy where I thought these new cabbage additions should go. He dug holes and put them in racing the coming rain. We also got a netting on to stop further raids on the garden. Paula

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