Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Meet another Neighbor

Hello, Leroy is working today. Even though it does not garner many steps, I decided to pick up trash in the boulevard and the street gutter. Someone had talked about the trash in the park near here. I had noticed that trash, but it is more of an effort to get to that. It pushed me to go out and work on the block here. I did from our house to the corner and down the side that is closest to the Dairy Queen. It is also a busy street. Perhaps for those two reasons it accumulates much more trash. It was a pleasant surprise to see that the street cleaner had been past. There was not much in the street except for those places that a car had been parked so they could not clean there. In spite of that, a plastic grocery sack filled with ease. As I was coming up to a driveway someone pulled in. They parked there a short time. I squatted down, all the better to pick up stuff. They stuck their head out and asked if I was crossing. I then noticed the backup lights on the car were on. I replied, “No, I am just picking up trash.” She then asked, “Could you move farther away?” I asked with a laugh, “You don’t want to hit me?” She responded, “That would be terrible. Can you imagine? Old lady hit while bending over to pick up trash.” We both laughed together. I was happy to have made a connection because I had found green foam, black tipped items. She did tell me they were part of a toy so I put them on the steps of the closest house. My good deed for the day. Paula

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