Saturday, April 30, 2022

Leroy Helps

Hello, I have felt quite useless. I do help a little, but I only spend a limited amount of time standing, sitting, walking, or lying down before I need to move. Getting out of bed to go to the bathroom in the night was a challenge. Mornings are noticeable as well. This morning Leroy made a list of chores. He has already made granola, washed and hung out clothes only to promptly bring them back in. I did help with that. As it turned out they could have stayed out longer, but it is fine to have brought them in. Leroy also has vacuumed much of the apartment. He cleaned the bathroom sink as well. He did not even grumble when I asked him to do a part of it over. He contributed a great deal to making breakfast. He sighs from time to time, but no complaining. What a guy! Where did I find him? Right now, Leroy is “working” on his stamps. He is fussing because he cannot find his stamp hinges which he uses to mount them. After looking every place, he could think of, he is giving up the search. Leroy was out walking when I saw dark clouds rolling in. It a bit there was a loud crack of thunder. Before long, Leroy came rushing and panting in the door. He said he noticed the clouds and then felt a sprinkle of rain. He headed for home at that point, but did not pick up significant speed until the thunder. We were both happy for him to get home. Paula

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