Friday, April 1, 2022

I work Saturday

Hello, Yesterday, my memory was jogged by a coworker asking who would be working on Saturday. I had totally forgotten about it. I usually only work four weeks apart, but this time I worked just two weeks before since we had been gone on my required time. It least I will be there to open, etc. It is fine for me to work because there are so many books on my desk to be catalogued that they do not fit and they also occupy three and a half shelves on a book cart. Thursday when I worked, I did not get much cataloging done because I was at the front desk all morning and that involves other duties such as, checking items in, counting the many pieces in a STEM kit to make sure all have been returned, shelving some things from time to time, and getting the ILL items ready to be shipped that morning. As we have once again become busy with story time, there were a lot of things coming in and going out. There is never a dull moment for me in the library job. I have to confess that I did come to work half an hour late one other day in the week. Schedules have changed, trying to have more consistent hours. So, we open earlier and close earlier. After ten years, of going at 1:00 pm, I forgot and realized I should be there. After rushing around the house, I managed to get there just half an hour late. It is like true confession, but I also missed a doctor appointment on Wednesday. I do not recall ever doing that before. Am I losing my sense of time and schedule? Paula

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