Wednesday, April 13, 2022

New to us, salad with artichokes

Hello, We have been invited out for Easter dinner. There will only be six people there. I know that these people have also been vaccinated and do not leave their homes a great deal. Hoping for a virus free meal. I have volunteered to bring a salad and vegetable. My salad recipe had raves on the Internet. Does that mean it will be good? It has artichoke hearts in it. I hope people like it, if not, I will be bringing home quite a bit of it. Surely all will taste it a little so it should be ok. I plan to follow the recipe which in an amazing confession for me. I read that artichoke is good source of nutrition. If we like it, we will have artichoke in some other ways. The plan was for me to finish delivering the neighborhood newsletter, but it will not happen today. we do not want the paper to get one on someone’s porch. Leroy did not ride the bike because he is expecting it to rain when he wants to come home. It is indeed raining now, but not much however the wind is a problem with rain. I did go out earlier and get some winter onions out of our front garden. It seemed prudent to do that before the rain came. We will eat them tonight for supper. My plan is to use many of those onions this spring and repurpose that part of the bed. There are also some garlic sprouts coming. They grow quite well, but do not get very big and I am not so sure how to use them successfully. Paula

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