Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunny Room

Hello, Our bedroom and the office are the sunniest rooms in the house. In the winter time I am so happy there. Perhaps its comfort induces me to spend too much time using the computer. Some days I hope to write more letters that go through the mail, but it often does not happen. It just seems too warm and cozy. Yesterday while talking to Brian on the phone, I watched a squirrel build a nest in the tree outside. This critter would dash down the tree a short distance, nip off a short branch, only to trot back up, quickly tuck the small twig with evergreen leaves (On an evergreen tree, what are the green parts called?), to stick it with other branches already gathered making a rounded place between bigger branches. It repeated this process again and again. Birds like this tree as well. Mostly it is sparrows, but there was a cardinal yesterday as well as a robin. On the way home from work, I often see a group of wild turkeys. I would like them in the lawn, but really, I am glad it is just the smaller species for now. At certain times of day, it is hard to see the computer because the sun comes in too much. Since it is a laptop, I can move it around, no real complaining here. Paula

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