Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Group Travel

Hello, Someone asked me how much our road scholar trip cost. Apparently once the money leaves our bank account, I forget about it. I could not remember, but gave an amount. The amount was quite a bit more than reality. We did have to get there on our own which added to the cost. Seems to me there is no point in thinking about it since it is a done deal. We learned a lot. That is one thing I like about travel. Having a guide or leader gave us many more insights than we would ever have acquired on our own. Maybe it is my personality, but I am quite happy to have someone else plan out the details and I just sit back and enjoy the trip. One woman who had been on 30 trips commented that we were one of the best groups that she had ever been with. It was helpful that we were always on time or ahead of time getting on the bus. People were also generally quite flexible and able to deal with changes. Our leader had to deal with the snow and how to accommodate for that. We were able to do almost everything that had been planned in the schedule. It was so nice to reconnect with some of Leroy’s seminary classmates and spouses. Leroy graduated from seminary in 1975. For most of the intervening years, we had not seen much of each other. There is something to be said for the later years in life with no kids at home and not so many job responsibilities. Is this the golden years? I am starting to look forward to really retiring at the end of this calendar year. Paula

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