Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Stopping Running Water


Who knew that the gift of stopping running water could be so great? We have been having trouble getting the water turned off in our kitchen sink. Sometimes it took some serious patience to get it in the right spot. I kept thinking that it should be tightened, but Leroy, who had helped Clark install it, said there was no way to tighten it. Instead a new part would have to be purchased. Leroy did comment that when he was not so busy he would work on it. Somehow all of that sounded quite remote and not to likely to happen to my ears.

Yesterday our downstairs friends had the local “handyman” fixing something. When they asked if we needed anything while he was there I told about the uncooperative facet handle. In what seems like no time at all we had a sink that was off and no drips. What a great thing! I could have danced a jig. I could live with that possible drip but it did not enrich my life.

Now to go to a totally different subject, I had set it up so our credit card bill is paid automatically. The bill should have been paid Monday; however I had not gotten an email notice that it had been. I get those notices for other bills when they are paid. In a panic I gathered my number, the name of the person who set up the transfer for me, the confirmation number, and the phone number of the company. After inputting my number it informed me that the bill had been paid. Such a relief! I kept telling myself to calm down with remarks that it is only money and not a life or a limb belonging to someone I love.

Something to look forward to, Sarah and her girls with come visit tomorrow. I had planned to pick them up, but will work instead. So Leroy will have the pleasure of picking them up at the airport. I never would have thought that my family would be so involved in flying around, but I am grateful for the possibilities.


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