Friday, July 5, 2019

Hot and Hotter


Even though it is so hot out, lately 90 + seems to be the normal high, we often bask in air conditioned comfort. Both of us find our work places have temps much cooler than we would like, but home is about right.

The year I took classes in the summer for my library degree was the worst. The library classrooms were often cooled to the 50’s. We students all wore jeans and sweatshirts. Once before a test when the professor had not yet come, someone checked the temp and learned that it was 51. I started doing jumping jacks to try to warm up my hands so they could write. I did get 100% on that test. The person who graded it complimented me on that because she had only had one other person in a few years manage to do that. I suspect it was the jumping jacks feeding the brain with blood.

At the time we did not have air conditioning in our house. I would strip off my winter clothes before the drive home. One of my classmates commented that the best part of the day was sitting in the hot car. Our house was often above 80 degrees. At night we would have a fan set up to pull in the cool night air, but it would not get cold by any means. During the day it would heat up in spite of careful shade and window monitoring. I remember not feeling well much of the time. Could spending so much time in extreme temperatures day after night, cause illness?

Other summers we lived there, we would adjust to the heat and it did not seem as bad because we were rarely in such low temperatures. People would complain about the heat and I often wondered what they were talking about.


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