Saturday, April 29, 2017

Where to put bookmarks


When Leroy and I do devotions in the morning we always have a bookmark in the bibles as well as the devotion booklet. In the devotion booklet Leroy always leaves the bookmark on the day that it is. I thought he might do that just so I could find the page when doing my writing. That page listed the verses that we read. Sometimes I do not get this done immediately so I do not remember what they are.

“Where do you put a bookmark when you are reading a book just for you?” I asked Leroy.

“In the spot where I finished,” he replied.

I always put the bookmark in the spot where I will read next. I could not imagine anyone putting it where I finished unless it was on the same page. What could be a reason to do that?

It seems as I go through life that everyone is doing things in the same way that I am. It is astonishing to learn that is not true. The harder part is to let others do it their way and I get to do it my way. Is that called tolerance? Just how do we develop that? Of course the bookmark thing is small and generally is not noticed by others. But what about the plants left to grow in their lawn? Or the trash left around? Or the way different people drive, fast or slow? Or the way others greet or speak to you? Where do we draw lines and say, “It is not right?” Where is tolerance? How much should be tolerated?


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